Wisc iiidescripcioncualitativadesubpruebaseindicesfactoriales. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Aproximacion comparativa inicial en resultados del wisciii v. A successor to the extremely popular essentials of wisciiiwppsir assessment04745016, essentials of. Wechsler wisc, wiscr, wisciii, a tres cocientes intelectuales ci. Qinteractive is a digital system built to support and enhance a clinicians use of individually administered tests such as the wiscv. Pdf wisciiianalisiscuantitativopuc cristobal elias. Analysis of strengths and limitations according to the. The wais iii is a version of the wais published in 1997 and has been superceded by the current version, waisiv published in 2008.
It is an intelligence measure that is appropriate for use with those individuals ages 1689 years of age this is an expanded age range for adults 7489, reflecting the increased average life expectancy. Estandarizacion del wisciii en chile semantic scholar. Initial comparative study of the results obtained in a chilean version of wisciii. For persons under 16, the wechsler intelligence scale for. The waisiii is a version of the wais published in 1997 and has been superceded by the current version, waisiv published in 2008. If searching for a book wisc 4 manual in pdf format, then you have come on to. This type of computerassisted testing is distinct from the more familiar computeradministered testing in which the examinee sees test items on a computer screen and answers using a keyboard, mouse, or. Pdf aproximacion comparativa inicial en resultados del wisciii v. Titulacion superior en psicologia, psiquiatria o psicopedagogia.
222 913 414 1258 1471 1182 101 514 528 434 221 1255 295 1026 816 1344 1195 473 30 807 1448 329 1040 609 1013 278 1425 1519 129 759 1284 84 910 1128 1157 1359 960 482 666 831 304 645